
About admin

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So far admin has created 8 blog entries.

Bodegas de Santo Tomás

Bodegas de Santo Tomás For 130 years Bodegas de Santo Tomas has dialogued with its lands, its air and its rain. This dialogue has developed through the hands of those who work the land, through the will of those who decide and through the experiences that are lived day by day in the rhythm that [...]

Casa De Piedra

Casa de Piedra The winery was born as a family project in 1997. The engine that drives the project is and has always been to grow wines that distinctively reflect their origin. In our winemaking we are always seeking to reveal aspects that express the place where the grapes were grown. From the beginning of [...]

Barón Balch’e

Barón Balch'e Started in 1997, when the farmer Juan Rios bought a land with more than 50-year-old vineyards in Valle de Guadalupe With a small production and homemade wines, however, the family friends were delighted, and they started to request them, that caused the expansion and an ambitious project by the hand of the Mexican [...]

Casa Magoni

Bodegas magoni as a family Winery in the heart of the vial of Guadalupe, Baja California, works by magani second-generation and guided by the winemaker Camelio mazzoni. More than 15 years ago and the Guadalupe Valley, bodegas my journey began producing wine exclusively from grapes grown in their own Vineyards for family and close friends [...]

Bibayoff Winery

With the arrival of the Russian families to the valley of Guadalupe in 1906, is founded the Russian colony. Overtime small Vineyards were stablished and very artisanal way they began to produce their own wines charge the 30s it is then that Alex and dog off obtains the first permits for the elaboration of wine. [...]


Alximia is a Family Winery focused on goals that are tangible a group identity formed at home with respect for the environment based on the tradition of teaching and generosity with knowledge we have transitioned to a path and analogy that Express and extension boldness and relationship with the structure exactness a scientific thought. Baja [...]

Adobe Guadalupe

Winery and also Airbnb with six great bedrooms it's located in the heart of Guadalupe Valley near Ensenada Baja California the 60 acres of vineyards were planted in 1998 with their first harvest in 2001 maker Daniel Lumberg has pretty unique blends enjoyed by many wine drinkers around the rolled adobe want to look at [...]

Aborigen – Valle de Guadalupe

Aborigine, the man who comes from earth. A word that represents the commitment to the human being and his environment. To recognize a person is more than the immediate context. We are family winery founded in 2000 to give answer to the enological necessity of experimenting at the moment when Baja California was becoming the [...]

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